The Large Language Messenger

The next gen messenger built from the ground up with AI. We're enabling anyone worldwide to overcome linguistic boundaries so they can connect, collaborate, and express themselves effortlessly
Dashboard mockup
Feature 2

Encrypted Translations

Everything sent, received, and translated is encrypted and secured
Utilizing modern encryption protocols, our app ensures that every piece of information sent and received is secured against unauthorized access and breaches. Your data's integrity is our top priority.
We believe in clear, straightforward communication about how your data is handled. Our privacy policy outlines our practices and commitments to you, detailing how we encrypt, store, and manage your information. With us, you're always in the loop and in control.
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Feature 3

Groups Chats

The most seamless communication among users speaking different languages, breaking down linguistic barriers and fostering a diverse, inclusive environment
Unlimited participants, languages, and translations
The easiest and most efficient way for people from different linguistic backgrounds to share, collaborate, and solve problems together
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Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Feature 4

Multimedia Messaging

Express yourself with texts, images, videos, emoji, and more!
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Frequently asked questions

Is Strings free to use?
Yes! 🤓
Is Strings available on Android?
Not yet but we're working on it 👩🏻‍💻
What if I don't see my native language as an option?
Please email us at - we'd be more than happy to add the language after we perform quality tests
Are the messages encrypted?
Yes, your messages are encrypted so that they're protected while they are in transit from your device to our servers, and while they are stored on our servers.
Can I add as many people as I want to a group chat?
Yes, there are no limits to the number of people you can add to a group chat.
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Give Strings a Try!

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to chat with someone who speaks a different language from you 😁
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